Statement of Intent
Tourism Ad | |
Primary Target Audience | |
Demographic Less wealthy, stressed, university students, ages 18 - 21, all genders, who are forced to care for their much younger siblings, 6 - 10 years old, all genders, and want to travel on a budget. | Reason Because we are about to be university students with younger siblings, and we feel like they deserve relaxation/vacation opportunities to relax and unwind. |
Psychographic They are foodies, who want to explore the world through taste. They also like to enjoy their food with their siblings in the form of picnics. | Reason Because not everyone travelling to Bali searches specifically for the traditional cuisines (e.g nasi lawar, etc) and enjoys it in the local Bedugul parks. |
Secondary Target Audience | |
Large lower-class families who want to create memories with their children but don’t have the resources to travel. | Reason Because big families are stressful, and the opportunity to get away from daily obligations should NOT be reserved for the wealthy! |
Content Overview | |
A young woman is saving up in a big glass jar labelled “dream vacation.” Her little siblings watch miserably at the measly amount of money, and decide to do research on budget airlines. OH NO! Their first travel experience with [airline that shall not be named] is horrific and a borderline human rights violation. How about this airline?? Wow Bali is so great guys. This is so relaxing. Possible detail: The student wants to catch up on their studies while lounging on the beach, and their younger sibling makes them put it away. We’re here to relax!! | |
Unique Selling Point | |
Bali, Indonesia is a cheap but quality destination for low budget travellers alike, not just because of the generic beaches, but MORE than that. | |
Representations | |
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Dominant Reading (Your message) | |
HEY UNIVERSITY STUDENTS!!!! Don’t you wanna make the most out of your limited budget??? Stay away from the crowded tourist hotspots!! Have family friendly relaxing fun and bond with your beloved family!!!! Stay responsible, AND relaxed. |
This was made by both my teammate and I
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